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L'arte chitarristica 1947-1961

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L'arte chitarristica, 1947-1961, Modena (editore Bérben)
L’arte Chitarristica fu pubblicata dalla casa editrice musicale Bèrben di Modena, dal 1947 al 1961 con periodicità irregolare.
In totale uscirono 60 fascicoli, di cui 57 con musiche allegate.
L'arte chitarristica n.1 Gennaio 1947
L'arte chitarristica n.8 Marzo-Aprile 1948
L'arte chitarristica n.16 luglio-agosto 1949
L'arte chitarristica n.19 gen.-feb. 1950
L'arte chitarristica n.25-26 gen.-apr. 1951
L'arte chitarristica n.28 lug.-ago. 1951
L'arte chitarristica n.31 gen.-feb. 1952
L'arte chitarristica n.34-35 lug.-ott. 1952
L'arte chitarristica n.37-38 gen.-feb. 1953
L'arte chitarristica n.43 gen.-feb. 1954
L'arte chitarristica n.45 mag.-giu. 1954
Year 1 no. 1, January 1947
Our Magazine
The 8th National Congress of Italian Guitarists ...Dr. Lando Orlich
Concerts - The Musical Page ...R. F.
The Life and Works of Mozzani ...Romolo Ferrari
International Newsletter - In Memory Of Vizzari
International Guitar Union
Music: Visione Campestre Serenatella (for eptacorda guitar) ...G. Farrauto
Year 1 no. 2 February-March 1947
International Guitar Union
Harmony Course for Guitarists ...R. F.
Concerts - The Musical Page
The Life and Works of Mozzani ...Romolo Ferrari
Clarifications on the heptacorda ...A. Casassa
International Newsletter
Music: Mesta Song (for heptacorda) ...G. Murtula - Dance in La ...N. Peraldo
Year 1 no. 3 April-June 1947
The Touch ...F. Orsolino
International Guitar Union
Harmony Course for Guitarists ...R. F.
Concerts - The Musical Page
The Life and Works of Mozzani ...Romolo Ferrari
International Newsletter
Music: Fontanella (for heptacord) ...F. Orsolino - The Retrograde or Cancerized Canon ...R. F.
Year 1 no. 4 July-August 1947
1st International Guitar Day
Harmony Course for Guitarists ...R. F.
Concerts - The Musical Page
The Life and Works of Mozzani ...Romolo Ferrari
From the Ancient Chronicles
International Newsletter
Music: Tempo di Minuetto ...I. Baldi
Year 1 no. 5-6 October-December 1947
To the Friends of "L'Arte Chitarristica"
The 1st International Guitar Day
Harmony Course for Guitarists ...R. F.
Guitar archive - Concerts - The Musical Page
The Life and Works of Mozzani ...Romolo Ferrari
Concertists of Our Time: Ida Presti ...Antonio Ma. del Carpio
International Guitar Union - International News
Music: Andante Armonioso ...G. Pezzoli - Piccola Leggenda ...E. Pignocchi
Year 2 no. 7 January-February 1948
Segovia Returns
The Patriarch of Italian Guitarists
Harmony Course for Guitarists ...R. F.
Concerts - The Musical Page
International Guitar Union
Precisions on the Harmonic Mandolin ...Ernesto Salvi
International Newsletter
Music: Vita Nova ...R. Ferrari - Prelude No. 1 ...Ries De Hilster
Year 2 no. 8 March-April 1948
The Unification of Methods
Musical Ear ...G. Murtula
Harmony Course for Guitarists ...R. F.
Concerts - The Musical Page
The Life and Works of Mozzani ...R. Ferrari
International Newsletter - International Guitar Union
Music: Küss-Tobia (Capriccio N. 1) ...Ivano Ferrari - Pensiero Nostalgico ...Federico Orsolino
Year 2 no. 9 May-June 1948
Concerts and Transcriptions ...A. Casassa
Italian Friend Of Ferdinand Sor ...W. M. Appleby
Concerts - The Musical Page
Musical Ear ...G. Murtula
Harmony Course for Guitarists ...R. F.
International Guitar Union - International Newsletter
Music: Carovana ...Giovanni Murtula
Year 2 no. 10-11 July-October 1948
Guitar Conference
Celia Salomon de Font in Italy
The Guitar in Spain ...J. De Azpiazu
Italian Friend Of Ferdinando Sor ...W. M. Appleby
The "Concierto De Aranjuez" by Joaquin Rodrigo
Concerts - The Musical Page - We listened to the radio....
Some Considerations on the Eptacorde Guitar ...F. Orsolino
Harmony Course for Guitarists ...R. F.
The Life and Works of Mozzani ...R. Ferrari
Manuel M. Ponce ...G. Flores Mendez
International Newsletter
Music:  Studio in Si Minore ...M. Rigacci - Danzas 2ª ...J. De Azpiazu
Year 2 no. 12 November-December 1948
Andrès Segovia Honorary President of U.C. I.
The Tenth Guitar Tour
Concerts - We listened to the radio... - The Musical Page
New Goals for The Guitar ...G. Giannini
International Newsletter - Miscellaneous
Music: Veglia Invernale ...Rezio Buscaroli
Year 3 no. 13 January-February 1949
Ivano Ferrari ...A. Guidi
A Purpose of the Guitar Method ...F. Orsolino
Concerts - The Musical Page
Heinrich Albert ...F. Bumaier
Andrès Segovia - Jean Borredon ...R. de Hilster
Journalistic Echoes
The Life and Works of Mozzani ...R. Ferrari
International Newsletter
Music: Menuett ...H. Albert - Roman Castillo ...G. Flores Mendez - Oremus e Canto a Navidad ...A. A. Paolinelli
Year 3 no. 14 March-April 1949
Let's enhance Italian Music ...R. Ferrari
The Musical Page
The Study of Guitar in the Italian Conservatories ...G. Farrauto
Harmony Course for Guitarists ...R. F.
Concerts - International Guitar Union
The Guitar Technique ...Ries de Hilster
International Newsletter
Music: Notturno ...R. Beccuti
Year 3 no. 15 May-June 1949
The Coordination of Methods for the Study of Guitar ...A. Rossi
Commemoration of Luigi Mozzani
A Guitar on Microphone ...M. de Luigi
Concerts - We listened to the radio
Guitar Construction in Mexico ...G. Flores Mendez
The Guitar Part In Orchestre a Plettro ...G. B. Briano
International Newsletter - The Musical Page
Music: Musica fuori testo: Preludio N. 3 ...E. D. Bensadon - Preludio N. 2 ...G. Flores Mendez
Year 3 no. 16 July-August 1949
About Italian Guitar Music ...F. Orsolino
The Guitar Technique ...R. de Hilster
Concerts - The Musical Page
The Life and Works of Mozzani ...R. Ferrari
Eleuterio F. Tiscornia ...S. N. Contreras
"Catalogue of Your Guitar Archive" ...R. Munoz
International Guitar Union - International Newsletter
Music: Zingaresca ...N. Peraldo
Year 3 no. 17 September-October 1949
The 11th Guitar Day
Canhoto ...R. Simoes
Concerts - We listened to the radio...
Ramon Montoya
Harmony Course for Guitarists ...R. F.
The Guitar Technique ...R. de Hilster
The Musical Page - International Newsletter
Music: Studio in Forma di Walzer ...M. Barbieri - Gagliarda del Passo Mezzo ...Anonymous (16th century)
Year 3 no. 18 November-December 1949
The "Spanish Quintet" without Guitar ...M. G. C.
Maria Luisa Anido ...S. N. Contreras
The Musical Page - Concerts
We listened to the radio
Remembering the Master ...Carmen Lenzi Tamburini
International Newsletter
Music: Tanguillo ...M. Abloniz
Year 4 no. 19 January-February 1950
Still on the Italian Eptacorde Guitar ...F. Orsolino
Concerts - The Musical Page
An Athlete ...G. Giannini
Memories and Considerations of an Old Guitar Friend ...A. L. S.
International Newsletter
Music: Incontro ...G. Murtula
Year 4 no. 20-21 March-June 1950
Ida Presti's Tour in Italy
Harmony Course for Guitarists
Concerts - We listened to the radio
The Musical Page
The Eptacorde Guitar Question ...M. Rigacci and B. Tonazzi
U. C. I.
Memories and Considerations of an Old Guitar Friend ...A. L. S.
International News
Music: Pagina Romantica ...G. N. Ferracin - Capriccio ...I. Ferrari
Year 4 no. 22 July-August 1950
Respect to Tradition
The 12th Guitar Day
A Golden Thread ...Giulio Giannini
Concerts - We listened to the radio
The Musical Page - Elena Padovani
Letters from Germany ...Bruno Henze
International Newsletter
Music:  Estrellita ...Manuel M. Ponce - Piccola Danza ...Henry Lemoine
Year 4 no. 23 September-October 1950
The 12th Guitar Day
The Guitar Course at the Accademia Chigiana di Siena ...E. P.
Sara Stegani ...R. Suzzi
Guillermo Gomez Vernet ...G. Flores Mendez
Letters from Germany ...B. Henze
The Musical Page - Miscellaneous
Music: "Improvviso" ...F. Bervoets
Year 4 no. 24 November-December 1950
The Figure of Giulio Regondi in Romanticism ...B. Tonazzi
Andrés Segovia ...L. Sabicas Tagore
Concerts - We listened to the radio
The Musical Page
The Debated Question of the 7-string guitar (Eptacorde) ...F. Orsolino
International Newsletter
Music: Preludio ...E. Winkler - Stornello ...G. Pezzoli
Year 5 no. 25-26 January-April 1951
Regondi and His Music ...A. L. S.
The Masterclass and the Guitar Music Competition at the Accademia Chigiana
Guitar in the Conservatories of Music ...G. B. Briano
The Second Tournee of Ida Presti in Italy
Concerts - Adolfo V. Luna ...S. N. Contreras
Guitar Memories ...M. Abloniz
Guitar Music by Maestro Giovanni Murtula ...F. Orsolino
The 1st National Classical Guitar Review
The Musical Page - Obituaries
Music: Venid Pastorcillo ...A. V. Luna
Year 5 no. 27 May-June 1951
The Guitar Studio Problem ...C. Proakis
A European Guitar Congress
Concerts - The Musical Page
Federico Orsolino ...L. Sabicas Tagore
An Impartial Opinion ...C. Antoninus
Still on the 7-string guitar (Eptacorde) ...M. Rigacci
Letters from Germany ...B. Henze
The Third Legnani Concert in Modena
International Newsletter
Music:  Studio Quasi un'Improvvisazione ...M. Rigacci
Year 5 no. 28 July-August 1951
The 13th Guitar Day
The Guitar Course at the Accademia Chigiana
The Musical Page - Enrico Tagliavini
A Purpose of the Right Hand ...M. Abloniz
Christian Gottlieb Scheidler ...K. S.
Folk Music and Guitar in Sardinia ...C. Antonino
Anecdotes and Curiosities - International Newsletter
Music: Rievocazione ...G. Murtula - Minuetto ...Bach - Mori
Year 5 no. 29 September-October 1951
The 13th Guitar Day
International Guitar Music Competition
National Guitar Making Competition - Concerts
Andres Segovia Unrivalled Maestro of the Sienese Guitar University
Segovia in Siena ...Mario Giordano
The Musical Page
Concert Activity of Ida Presti
The Voice of the Guitar in the Mystical Enchantment of Verna
Music: Fantasia Burlesca ...B. Henze
Year 5 no. 30 November-December 1951
The First Guitar Syndicates ...R. Munoz
Letters from Germany ...B. Henze
Guitar Memories ...M. Abloniz - Concerts
Meeting With A Master ...G. Indracollo
The Musical Page
Instrumental Curiosities
International Newsletter
Music: La Ronde Folle ...M. Gangi
Year 6 no. 31 January-February 1952
The Guitarists Directory
The Transcription as Artwork (I) ...C. Proakis
The Musical Page - Concerts
The First Tour Of Segovia In Israel ...D. Perez
The Guitar Course in Siena
Life of Societies
Music: Malaguena ...Miguel Ablòniz
Anno 6 no. 32 March-April 1952
2nd Classical Guitar Review for Soloists
Great success of Maria Luisa Anido in her first European tour
Concerts - The transcription as a work of art (II) ...C. Proakis
Berlioz and the guitar ...M. Giordano
The Music Page
Commentary on a concert
Music: Aire de Vidalita ...Maria Luisa Anido
Year 6 no. 33 May-June 1952
Som14th Guitar Day
National Luthier Competition
The Gangi-Cerquozzi Duo in Bologna
Concerts - The music page
Transcription as a work of art (III) ...C. Proakis
Healing virtues of the guitar ...S. N. Contreras
Music: Sarabanda variata ...Haendel-Proakis
Year 6 no. 34-35 September-October 1952
The 14th Guitar Day
The Guitar Course of Maestro Andrès Segovia at the Accademia Chigiana of Siena
The guitar and musical transcriptions ...M. Giordano
The music page ...A. Guidi
In certamine veritas (On the art of transcription) ...M. Abloniz
The 7-string (heptacorde) guitar continues its journey ...F. BearLino
Un esa pro epta ...M. Abloniz
The "Day of Tarrega" in the world
Life of Societies - Miscellaneous
Music: Tango ...A. Stingl - Mazurka ...P. Benoit
Card: Tarrega Eixea Francisco
Year 6 no. 36 November-December 1952
Constitution of the Italian Guitar Association
On the art of transcription and some principles of fingering ...M. Ablòniz
Always open the debate on transcription
Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco ...B. Tonazzi
The music page - Concerts
Music: Giga ...Legrenzi-Ablóniz
Card: Ablòniz Miguel
Year 7 no. 37-38 January-April 1953
New life - The General Assembly of the A.C.I.
Bach's interpretation on guitar ...C. Proakis
The guitar course at the Accademia Chigiana
On the art of transcription ...M. Abloniz
The music page - Concerts
Two poems ...F. Garcia Lorca
News from Italy and abroad
Music: J. S. Bach - Invention (transcribed for two guitars by M. Gangi)
Year 7 no. 39 May-June 1953
My Memories ...Daniel Fortea
The music page
Aesthetics of guitar ...A. Muricy
Chronicle of concerts
The First Assembly of the A.C.I.
News from Italy
Music: Gavotta ...G. Farrauto
Year 7 no. 40-41 July-October 1953
In memory of Giuseppe Gullino ...G. Giannini and F. Orsolino
The guitar specialization course in Siena
The music page - Chronicle of concerts
Modern guitar school (M. Abloniz)
Aesthetics of guitar ...A. Muricy
Guitar Memories ...M. Abloniz
The International Guitar Conference in Modena
News from Italy
Music: Sonata (Giga) ...D. Scarlatti (De Azpiazu)
Year 7 no. 42 November-December 1953
International Guitar Music Competition
Modern guitar school (C. Palladino - M. Gangi)
The "Concerto dell'Argentarola" for guitar and orchestra ...E. Porrino
Chronicle of concerts
The music page - Guitar Memories ...M. Abloniz
Music: Notturno ...G. Flores Mendez
Year 8 no. 43 January-February 1954
Feeding the flame
"Argentarole Concert" - The music page
Modern guitar school (M. L. Anido, A. Tempestini)
Chronicle of concerts
Music: Allegro ...Benedetto Marcello (transcription by F. Orsolino)
Year 8 no. 44 March-April 1954
General Meeting of A.C.I. Members.
Governmental music circles begin to take an interest in the guitar
Modern guitar school (R. Suzzi)
The music page - Chronicle of concerts
Guitar Memories ...M. Abloniz
Music: Zingaresca ...Hendrik Rycken (Fingering by F. de Groodt)
Year 8 no. 45 May-June 1954
International guitar music competition
The 2nd A.C.I. Assembly.
The musical page
Modern guitar school (G. Murtula - E. Padovani)
Prospects of horizon ...G. Zucchi
Music: Suite in C ...José de Aspiazu
Year 8 no. 46 July-August 1954
The guitar in contemporary italian lutherie ...F. Ciurlo
Chronicle of concerts - The musical page
Modern School of Guitar ...M. Abloniz
Newsletter from Italy - Received works
Music: Andantino No. 11 and Allegro No. 18 from op. 40 ...M. Giuliani
Year 8 no. 47 September-October 1954
Guitar teaching course at the Conservatory of S. Cecilia in Rome
Divagazioni on interpretations and transcriptions ...G. Murtula
The essay of the guitar course at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena ...C Palladino
The musical page - Modern school of guitar ...F. Orsolino
News from Italy
Music: Vecchie Xilografie ...G. N. Ferracin
Year 8 no. 48 November-December 1954
Towards Year IX
Institution of a Course of teaching of the guitar near the Conservatory of S. Cecilia in Rome
Modern school of guitar ...M. Giordano
Ettore Desderi ...R. Suzzi
The musical page
The guitar in the programs of RAI and TV ...F. Ciurlo
Chronicle of the concerts
Music: Tarantella ...E. Desderi
Year 9 no. 49 January-February 1955
The Chair of guitar at the Conservatory of S. Cecilia in Rome
Index of errors
Tablatures for guitar and lute of the 16th and 17th centuries in the Library of the Conservatory "G. B. Martini" ...E. Desderi
The Musical Page - The page of technique ...M. Abloniz
News from Italy - Chronicle of Concerts
Music: Fleur bleue ...Stepan Urban
Year 9 no. 50 March-April 1955
General Assembly of A. C. I. Members
Appeal to the Italian Guitarists ...G. Murtula
Elena Padovani
And why not? ... G. Giannini
A brave publisher ... L. Walker
Modern School of the Guitar by G. Murtula
Chronicle of the concerts
The musical page . Music received
Miguel Abloniz's page (How one should begin guitar study)
Music: Two Caprices ...M. Abloniz
Year 9 no. 51-52 May-August 1955
International Guitar Music Competition
The III Assembly of the A.C.I.
Chigiana Musical Academy
Criticism to criticism ...E. R. Roveri
Maestro Ettore Desderi interviewed by R.A.I.
The musical page
Miguel Abloniz's page (Reddito igitur quae sunt Caesaris, Caesari...)
Carlo Palladino - Chronicle of concerts
News from Italy
More About the Guitar in the Opinion of the Italian Master Luthiers by E. Fausto Ciurlo
Newsletter from abroad
Music received
Music: Improvviso ...E. Desderi
Year 9 no. 53 September-October 1955
The guitar in "L'Organo di bambù" by Ennio Porrino ...G. Murtula
The Musical Page
The Specialization Courses at the Chigiana Academy ...C. Palladino
News from Italy
Musical Archive A.C.I. ...U. Sterzati
The page of Miguel Abloniz
Music: Minuet ...Haydn (transcription B. Henze)
Year 9 no. 54 November-December 1955
Old and New Year ...M
The Results of the Competition for Soloists at the Guitar Congress in Modena
Weissian scale and guitar technique by B. Tonazzi
Chronicle of Concerts
Meeting with Makaroff (I) by B. A. Perott
Music received
More About the Guitar in the Opinion of the Italian Master Luthiers by E. Fausto Ciurlo
The Musical Page
Music: Barcarola nostalgica ...G. Murtula
Year 10 no. 55 January-February 1956
Competition for guitarists - Memory of Daniel Fortea
Chronicle of M. Concerts - The Musical Page
Meeting with Makaroff (II) by B. A. Perott
Guitar at the International Competition of Musical Performance in Geneva
"Serenata - Improvviso - Tarantella" ...E. Desderi by F. Giaccherini
"Barcarola nostalgica" by G. Murtula ...M. Abloniz
Music: Five variations on a theme by Paganini ...J. Nakano
Year 10 no. 56 March-April 1956
Guitar manifestations of the A.C.I.
Modern guitar school of F. Orsolino
Chronicle of concerts
Music Archive A. C. I. of rare music
Guido Fiamberti ...C. Lenzi Mozzani
The Musical Page - Courses, Competitions and Conferences
Music: Malinconia d'inverno (Winter Melancholy) ...U. Sterzati
Year 10 no. 57-58 May-August 1956
The IV General Assembly of the A. C. I.
The First Competition of Execution for Young Concert Artists
The results of the 2nd A. C. I. of music for guitar Santa Rosa da Lima, patroness of the guitar ...A. A. Paolinelli
Modern School of Guitar by M. Abloniz
Chronicle of concerts - The Musical Page
Our Composers: Mario Barbieri ...F. Orsolino
How to start the guitar study ...M. Abloniz
Musical Archives A. C. I. of rare music
Vivaldi's Concerto in D major for lute and strings by B. Tonazzi
News from Italy
The right hand of the guitarist (Position and touch) by F. Orsolino
Music: Ballet ...L. S. Weiss (trans. M. Gangi)
Year10 no. 59 September-October 1956
About the "chorister" ... G. Murtula
The Musical Page
The guitar at the Geneva Competition ...J. Breguet
How to start studying guitar (V°) ...M. Abloniz
News from Italy
The Guitar Essay at the Chigiana Academy ...E. R. Roveri
Impressions from Siena ...M. Abloniz
The right hand of the guitarist (IIº) ...F. Orsolino
Music: Due piccoli pezzi ...A. de Mori
Year 10 no. 60 November-December 1956
1947-1956: ten years of life ...E. Desderi
Contemporary Art Movement ...G. Murtula
Modern school of guitar (n. 12) ...G. Murtula
Gleanings from the foreign press ...E. F. Ciurlo
The Musical Page - Twenty years after ...G. Giannini
Chronicle of concerts - Newsletter from Italy
Music: Prelude ...G. Murtula
Year 11 no. 61 January-February 1957
About the "chorister" ...G. Murtula
About breathing in guitar teaching ...C. Palladino
An innovation in the construction of the guitar ...U. Baldini
How to begin the study of the guitar (VI) ...M. Abloniz
Modern school of the guitar (n. 13) ...F. Orsolino
Gleanings from the foreign press ...E. F. Ciurlo
Chronicle of concerts - The Musical Page
News from Italy
Music: Impromptu ...S. Urban
Year 11 no. 62 March-April 1957
A guitar in the house ...E. F. Ciurlo
Guitar sound, interpretation and touch without nails ...F. Orsolino
The A. C. I. Trustees - The guitar in Egypt ...D. Crey
Commemoration of Luigi Mozzani in Bologna
How to start studying guitar ...M. Abloniz (VIIº)
Chronicle of Concerts
An innovation in the construction of the guitar ...U. Baldini (IIº)
Music: Settecento (Minuetto for two guitars) ...U. Baldini
Year 11 no. 63 May-June 1957
Contests A. C. I. 1957 of Composition and Performance
The Essay of the School of Guitar at the Conservatory of S. Cecilia
How to start studying guitar ...M. Abloniz (VIII)
The "Agimus" Complex of Venice with the guitarist Angelo Amato
The musical page ...M. Barbieri
News from Italy - Gleanings from the Foreign Press ...E. Fausto Ciurlo
Chronicle of concerts
Music: Two Preludes (from "La Serra") ...M. Barbieri
Year 11 no. 64 July-August 1957
About. tempos ...G. Murtula
Notes of simple philosophy for the use of a Hellenist pedagogy in the didactics of the guitar by E. F. Ciurlo
The fretboard, the G/24 and the T. C. ...C. Proakis
The musical page
Two studies for guitar by Giovanni Murtula ...B. Tonazzi
Gleanings from the foreign press ...E. F. Ciurlo
Concerts - Newsletter
Music: Aria and Dance ...F. Caroso (transcribed by Bruno Tonazzi)
Year 11 no. 65 September-October 1957
Guitar events of the A. C. I.
Classical Guitar and Vihuela courses at the Accademia Chigiana of Siena
The Musical Page - Chronicle of Concerts
How to Start Studying Guitar ...M. Abloniz (IX)
Gleanings from the foreign press by E. F. Ciurlo
Beauty of Sound, Harmonics and Thomas Young's Law in Violinmaking and Touch ...E. F. Ciurlo
A Visit to M.° Federico Orsolino
Giambattista Noceti ...B. Di Ponio
Music: Allegro n. 8 and Grazioso n. 9 from op. 40 ...M. Giuliani
Anno 11 no. 66 November-Decembee 1957
The 5th Ordinary General Assembly of the A. C. I. Members
Competition of Composition - Jacques Brèguet
Competition of Performance - Carlo Palladino
The musical page - Chronicle of concerts
Gleanings from the foreign press by E. F. Ciurlo
Andrès Verdier
Music: Suite (homage to Italian lutenists) ...Jaques Breguet
Year 12 no. 67-69 January-June 1959
Revival - Musical treasures ...E. Desderi
The guitar in Czechoslovakia ...H. Hlavsova
Chamber music by Karl Scheit
A few words not always in the wind ...M. Barbieri
Mario Barbieri ...F. Monpellio
Jacques Breguet - Guitar and light music ...F. Orsolino
The guitar ...R. Simoes
The concert for lute and strings by Vivaldi
Paganini and the guitar
The great masters of classical music
Gleanings from the foreign press ...E. F. Ciurlo
The Spanish Suites of Siegfried Behrend
Ancient and modern lutherie ...E. Arassich
The classical guitar at the R.A.I.
Luise Walker - Necrologies - Concerts - Festivals - Courses and Competitions - Discs
Year 12 no. 70-72 July-dicembre 1959
Music in the school ...E. Desderi
Luigi Mozzani - master of violin making ...C. Lenzi Mozzani
Ennio Porrino ...E. Desderi
Heitor Villa Lobos
Guitar manufacturers in Czechoslovakia ...K. Jalovec
Classical guitar course at the Conservatory of Naples
Historical exhibition of Neapolitan song ...E. Arassich
Commemoration of Francisco Tarrega
M.C.: The International Festival of Pavia
Gleanings from the foreign press ...E. F. Ciurlo
The "Harmonic Caprices" of Count Lodovico Roncalli
Bruno Tonazzi - Romolo Ferrari
Works for three guitars by Siegfried Behrend ...C. Ferandini
Ernst Gottlieb Baron ...C. Proakis
Two Sonatas by Arcangelo Corelli ...M.C.
The battente guitar in Calabria ...E. Arassich
The guitars of Bisignano go around the world from over two centuries ...E. F. Ciurlo
Newsletter - Schools and Masters - Courses and Competitions - Festivals - Concerts - Discs
Year 13 no. 73 January-July 1961
Performance competition for guitarists
A catalog of antique musical instruments ...E. F. Ciurlo
Notes for the history of the guitar in Venezuela ...M. E. Perez Diaz
Gleanings from the foreign press. (About the " Chaccona " of J. S. Bach) ...E. F. Ciurlo
John Murtula ...F. Orsolino
Schools and Masters - Editorial novelties
« Quatre Pieces breves » by Frank Martin ...M. C.
Newsletter - Festivals - Courses and Contests - Discs
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